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At Shortlanesend School a strong awareness and commitment to SMSC runs through the core of everything we plan, implement and achieve. Our curriculum supported by our school aims ensures that all our children have opportunities to develop not just academically, but also:
  • Spiritually
  • Morally
  • Socially
  • Culturally
We aim to enable all our children to develop during their educational journey at Shortlanesend into well rounded members of society.
Our intent provides children with opportunities to explore and develop:
  • Their own values and beliefs
  • Spiritual awareness 
  • High standards of personal behaviour
  • A positive and caring attitude towards other people
  • An understanding and respect for their and others social and cultural traditions
  • An appreciation of the diversity and richness of cultures locally and the world around them
Spiritual Development
This area is concerned with our children’s beliefs, religious or otherwise. These help to inform their perspectives on their life and the lives of others. We provide opportunities for children to reflect and develop their interest in and respect for other people’s beliefs and values. We achieve this through:
  • Our Religious Education planning and teaching which follows the Cornwaall Agreed Syllabus (2020) - See RE@SLE page for further details
  • Visits to different places of worship
  • Assemblies which celebrate wold wide beliefs and cultures
  • Regular time for reflection and thought linked with termly immersive curriculum topic.
  • Educational visits
  • Guest speakers or visitors 
  • PSHE/RSE (Personal, Social and Health Education/Relationship and Sex Education) curriculum - see PSHE@ SLE page for further details. 
  • Developing creativity and imagination through play, literacy, art, design technology music, dance and drama
Moral Development 
This section is mostly concerned with our children's understanding, attitude and behaviour to what is right and wrong in our society. We aim to  developed this through the following:
  • Providing a consistent and clear moral code for behaviour
  • Assemblies which provide reflection and discussion on moral issues
  • School wide behaviour system which provides postive reinforcement. 
  • PSHE curriculum
  • E-safety lessons
  • Class Charters and individual contracts 
  • Promoting equality in relation to religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or gender.
  • A curriculum which provides all children with  opportunities to explore and develop moral concepts
          – PSHE,
          - R.E.
          - History
          - Geography,
          - English/ Drama.
  • Encouraging children to be self aware and take responsibility for their actions
  • A clear school-wide Behaviour Policy.
  • Learning about and raising money for charities.
  • Adults as role models constantly demonstrating fairness, integrity and respect 
  • Recognising and respecting different cultures represented by pupils and staff in the school
  • Cultural displays around the school
  • Cultural stories and texts used to support the curriculum
Social Development
This area concerns our children's understanding and development of the competencies and qualities needed for a citizen of the 21st century. We provide our children with opportunities to understand the importance of and develop their own qualities which are valued and shared by our society - thoughtfulness, honesty, respect, empathy, independence, co-operation and self respect. We aim to promote this through the following:
  • Team and group tasks to provide experiences of working co-cooperatively 
  • A constant reminder of the shared values we have within our classes,  our school, the local village, Cornwall our country (see Our British Values page for more detail)
  • Assemblies that bring our community together
  • PSHE curriculum
  • FOSS (Friends of Shortlanesend School) events.
  • Sponsored events for charity 
  • School events such as class assemblies or reading cafe.
  • A curriculum which encourages children to recognise and respect social differences and similarities. Opportunities to exercise leadership and responsibility through School Council and other roles
Cultural Development
This area is concerned with our children's understanding of the beliefs, values and customs in their own and others social, ethnic and national groups and communities. We promote this through: 
  • Our immersive knowledge led curriculum which constantly informs our children about the attitudes, values and traditions of diverse cultures through time and around our country and planet
  • Assemblies
  • Visitors to the school.
  • Participating MAT or Richard Lander  cluster events such as the Dance and Drama festivals, sports matches and competitions
  • Recognising and celebration of national events such as  Armistice Day.
  • Themed days often used to inspire our children through their termly topic
The culture of Cornwall (Gonisogeth Kernow) may form part of the culture of the UK, but we have our  distinct customs, traditions and peculiarities. We are fortunate to live in a place with many strong local traditions. Thankfully after many years of decline, Cornish culture has undergone a strong revival over the past few years - hopefully securing and celebrating the culture, language and traditions for generations to come.

Shortlanesend School
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